Neurology Residency

Good morning,

We wanted to tell you about this great new initiative we have for our stroke patients called Remote Patient Monitoring, or RPM.

Remote patient monitoring? What the heck is that? Seems like a creepy episode of Black Mirror
It’s not! It’s actually a program where certain patients will be able to do stroke surveys, check their BP daily and diabetic patients can check their glucose daily via a tablet at home! The data is uploaded into Epic for Cedric (we all love Cedric right?) can then access that data via Epic in the first clinic appointment! It means more information and better care for our patients!

Okay, I guess that’s fine, but do I have to do more work in any way?
Not really

Not really? That sounds like a yes
Well the only thing you guys have to do is identify which patients are eligible and discuss them during multi-disciplinary rounds so that Christi will enroll them and set them up with a community health worker. If they are determined to be eligible, then you have to place an order in Epic.

Okay, but which patients are eligible?
Glad you asked! It is ischemic stroke patients with Medicare (age 65 or older, younger people with disabilities and people with End Stage Renal Disease) and are discharged home.

Fine, how do I enroll them in Epic?
Here’s a handy dandy video showing you how. The video shows how to up the order in (that is where you come in) and then how to enroll them (that is where Christi and Jackie Morales come in). Finally it also shows how to access the data, which will be Cedric and the stroke attendings’ job unless you have one of these patients and would like to see the data.


If you have any questions or concerns you can contact the chiefs or go straight to Jackie Morales to get more information.

Your chiefs,
Ruth, Jasmine & Ribal

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